Imagine the future: An alternative and positive reading of Africa’s future owing to its youthful and rising population
Converting Africa's large, growing and youthful population into an asset requires large investments in human capital - with health and education investment front and center. But infrastructure and governance are vital to accommodate a growing population and expanding economy. Gyude weaves these factors into a projection of Africa’s future.
Converting Africa’s large, growing and youthful population into an asset requires large investments in human capital - with health and education investment front and center.
W. Gyude Moore is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Center for Global Development (CGD). He served as Liberia’s Minister of Public Works with oversight over the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure from 2014 to 2018.
Prior to that, Gyude served as Deputy Chief of Staff to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Head of the President’s Delivery Unit (PDU). As Head of the PDU, his team monitored progress and drove delivery of the Public Sector Investment Program - an investment of over $1 billion in road, power, port infrastructure, and social programmes.
The Last Mile: Africa and the Brown Revolution | TED Talk
W. Gyude Moore presents his one big idea - to revolutionise Africa’s roads. He paints an image of a trans-African highway spanning the length and breadth of the continent, bringing with it stronger connectivity and better infrastructure.
“China in Africa: An African Perspective” - YouTube
Gyude Moore speaks about China’s expanding presence in Africa at the Paulson Institute’s Contemporary China Speakers Series on March 5, 2019.
Afro-techno-optimism - by W. Gyude Moore (
African techno-optimism uses the success of mobile telephone technology, and mobile money use and penetration as proof that Africa can leap-frog its lack of infrastructure.