Nothing in life is constant, except for change itself. Likewise, in business the parameters are perpetually shifting to keep pace with new needs and a shifting marketplace.

The change is incremental. In fact, you might not even notice it from one day to the next. But over a period of months or years, it’s important to take stock of where the business has come from, where we are and where we are headed.

To keep up with our business strategy, our brand also needs to evolve. Similar to the way we invest in our infrastructure and people, investing in our brand is necessary to remain relevant in a constantly changing environment.

Rooted in our purpose

The RMB brand has always been rooted in our purpose of liberating diverse talent to do good business for a better world. Our diverse people are essential to the success of our business, and collectively we believe in making a positive difference to our clients and the societies in which we operate. We strive to live this purpose - from the way we engage with clients and the types of business opportunities we undertake, to the solutions we bring for broader society. 

Our latest brand refresh is symbolic of the confidence that we have in our business and living our purpose.

A solid foundation

The update to our brand is not a revolutionary change, but rather an evolution of what we have always stood for. Indicative of our solid foundation of doing business ethically while continuously innovating, is our tagline Traditional Values. Innovative Ideas. It has stood the test of time over more than four decades and will remain, as it guides us to build on the past while at the same time prepare RMB for a disruptive and dynamic future.

Visual language

A lot has happened since our last brand refresh more than a decade ago, both in terms of our operating strategy and the business environment in general. The latest investment in our visual language reflects these changes, ensuring our brand remains relevant, modern and distinctive to our growing client base and to the broader African market we serve.

We have evolved the design of our logo for a digital world in which we need to keep things visually clean and simple. Our African heritage and the pride we take in doing good business are represented in the lion’s head. We have also introduced a subtle use of orange to our primary black and white colours. This approach moves the brand into a more contemporary space.

We are proud of our heritage and how it has shaped our organisation and brand. As we look forward, we will continue to build on our strengths, innovating and partnering with our clients for shared success.

