South Africa’s power stations were built in the 1970s, and currently, maintenance issues coupled with operational failures are making it difficult for the national grid to keep the lights on. In this episode, Bruce Whitfield and RMB experts discuss on how to generate more renewable energy and solve the country’s power issues.

Our Guests

Daniel Zinman

Head of Power - Infrastructure Sector Solutions

The excitement around the sector is that the solutions are relatively bespoke, depending on what the power needs and consumption profile of a particular corporation is concerned.”

Experienced professional who has played an instrumental role in renewable energy projects across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ebrahim Patel
Cassim Motala

Keith Webb

Infrastructure Finance Sector Lead

I think the exciting thing for me is that we are creating an industry here and you know, we are moving into a private power market where there's a willing buyer, willing seller.”

Specialist in structuring, arranging and funding debt and mezzanine investments in the Energy, Infrastructure and Tech sectors across Sub-Saharan Africa.

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RMB is a leading African Corporate and Investment Bank.

