“We felt we could employ people with good academic qualifications and encourage them to become really exceptional. We look for the guys with cum laude, the ones who were captains of their teams, the head of the debating society, or who won the boat race in the pub afterwards. We look for total all-rounders. We look for mavericks; different types of people.”

Paul Harris is celebrated as one of South Africa’s great entrepreneurs, and is renowned for his ability to bring fresh and innovative thinking to everything he focuses his attention on. He co-founded Rand Consolidated Investments in 1977, which acquired control of Rand Merchant Bank in 1985. In 1992, he took over as Chief Executive Officer. Subsequent to the formation of FirstRand, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of FirstRand Bank Holdings in 1999, a position he held until December 2005 when he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of FirstRand.

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